End of Life
End of Life
Machzikei Hadas clergy and staff are here to help your family at these difficult and sensitive times. Jewish traditions surrounding death are extremely meaningful. If you are unfamiliar with the traditions, we can help you with information about the funeral, mourning traditions, shiva, unveilings and yahrzeits.
What to do when there is a death:
Call Rabbi Scher at 613-521-9700, ext 3. If there is no answer, leave a message and then send him an email at rabbischer@cmhottawa.com. He will return your call ASAP.
Our Clergy will:
Help guide you during this very difficult time
Meet with the family to create a respectful service that honors the memory of your loved one
Coordinate and lead shiva services in the mourners’ home
Our Staff will:
Send a notice to the membership informing them of your loss
Add the deceased’s name to the Yizkor list
Send you an annual yahrzeit notice
Mon, December 2 2024
1 Kislev 5785
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MAchzikei News
Click here to view the weekly Shabbat-iton newsletter.
Click here to view the Spring edition of our Shuleinu Newsletter.
weekly schedule
7:00 a.m.: Shaharit
7:05 p.m.: Minhah & Maariv
Friday, June 30
7:00 a.m.: Shaharit
Lighting: After 7:17 p.m./before 8:34 p.m.
7:00 p.m.: Minhah & Kabbalat Shabbat
The Eruv is operational and you may carry.